Category Archives: Farm & Home

The Benefits of Plants in the Workplace

Were you aware that there has been extensive research done regarding the benefits of plants in the workplace? With full time employees spending approximately 1/4 of their lives at work […]


Amazing Summer Lemonades

There is nothing better on a hot summer day than a tall, cool, refreshing glass of lemonade. This drink can be much more than just lemons, sugar and water, however, and there are many delicious ways to add a bit of unique summer taste to classic lemonade.


Bird Feeding Basics

Now is the perfect time to think about attracting bird visitors to your yard. Bird watching is a great hobby that can be enjoyed by both younger and older members […]


Training Your Cat to Use Scratching Posts

Scratching is normal feline behavior. It's part exercise and part "marking" behavior. Your cat stretches, has a nice vigorous scratch, and leaves the spot marked as "mine”. It also helps to rid the claws of old layers, but doesn't really do much to sharpen the claws, as many people believe.


Our Pets – All That Love and Health Benefits too!

Helper animals, such as guide dogs for the blind, and seizure alert dogs offer obvious benefits to humans. However, the average domestic pet, such as a dog, cat, or even a goldfish, can provide health benefits to their owners. Pets not only provide unconditional love and affection, they can ease loneliness, reduce stress, and encourage exercise. Caring for a pet may even help us to live longer.


It’s Shedding Time Again

Dogs and cats, especially those kept indoors, shed some all year long. But longer days and warmer temperatures will trigger increased shedding in your pets. Stay ahead of the shedding […]


Tips on Caring for Chicks

Raising your own chickens for food or as a hobby can be a rewarding experience. Here are a few things to consider when starting a new flock of chicks. Prepare […]


Protecting Our Pollinators

Every garden requires pollinators, and bees are among the finest. Without them there would be limited flowers and far fewer fruits and vegetables. Did you know that about 30% of […]


Do Dental Diets and Treats Really Help?

Dental disease in pets is the leading health problem that veterinarians diagnose in both cats and dogs. There is no substitution for a professional dental cleaning and polishing performed by your veterinary health care team, but there are steps that you can take between cleanings to help improve your pet’s dental health and comfort.


Flea & Tick Prevention

Even if your dog spends very little time outside or your cat never leaves your house, you may still find fleas or ticks on your pet or in your home. Both of these external parasites can be transported into your house by hitching a ride on someone’s shoes or clothes, and fleas are small enough to enter through a screen door.