Our Articles

Insect-Repellent Container Gardens

Summer is all about outdoor gatherings, but irritating insects can dampen the fun. Creating an insect-repellent container garden is a simple, effective, and attractive way to keep bugs at bay […]


Designing a Xeriscape Landscape

Xeriscaping is an innovative and sustainable method that conserves water while maintaining an attractive landscape. It’s perfect for homeowners looking to create beautiful, low-maintenance landscapes that thrive with minimal irrigation. […]


Joe Pye Weed: A Native Jewel

Joe Pye Weed, known botanically as Eutrochium (formerly Eupatorium), is a perennial favorite among gardeners seeking late-season, native bloomers that also encourage a variety of pollinators. Renowned for its tall […]


Veggie Garden Tips for a Care-Free Vacation

Summer is the perfect time for vacations, but for gardeners, it can be a stressful period. Leaving your precious veggie garden unattended can lead to wilting plants, pest invasions, and […]


Bird Feeding Basics

Now is the perfect time to think about attracting bird visitors to your yard. Bird watching is a great hobby that can be enjoyed by both younger and older members […]


Training Your Cat to Use Scratching Posts

Scratching is normal feline behavior. It's part exercise and part "marking" behavior. Your cat stretches, has a nice vigorous scratch, and leaves the spot marked as "mine”. It also helps to rid the claws of old layers, but doesn't really do much to sharpen the claws, as many people believe.


Our Pets – All That Love and Health Benefits too!

Helper animals, such as guide dogs for the blind, and seizure alert dogs offer obvious benefits to humans. However, the average domestic pet, such as a dog, cat, or even a goldfish, can provide health benefits to their owners. Pets not only provide unconditional love and affection, they can ease loneliness, reduce stress, and encourage exercise. Caring for a pet may even help us to live longer.


Grow a Calming Container Garden

The soothing benefits of gardening are well known, but you don’t have to have extensive acreage, a large yard, or even any plot of your own to find those benefits. […]


Gussy Up the Veggie Garden

A vegetable garden is the ultimate in practical landscaping, and a thriving veggie patch can not only be a bountiful supplement to a grocery budget, but also an enjoyable hobby […]


Gardening to Combat Climate Change

Rising tides, severe storms, raging wildfires, widespread flooding, changing habitats – climate change is having undeniable dire consequences all around the globe. Fortunately, there are many easy ways to combat […]