Glorifying Garden Gloves

Garden gloves are easy to do without. Those of us that love gardening enjoy the feel of soil running through our fingers. We prefer to not have anything impede the dexterity needed to sow small seeds or pinch a plant. We would rather spend our budgeted gardening dollars on the latest herbaceous sensation. And, frankly, nobody likes sweaty hands.

But, gloves are the single most important piece of garden clothing that a person should own. In addition to the fact that they come in every color under the sun making them an attractive and matching accessory to your garden wardrobe, garden gloves:

  • Improve your grip on tools
  • Keep hands warm in cold weather
  • Keep hands dry in wet weather
  • Prevent contact with animal waste
  • Help avert calluses and blisters
  • Protect hands from cuts, splinters and thorn pricks
  • Prevent contact with poisonous plant oils that cause rashes and allergic dermatitis
  • Keep nails clean and help prevent nail breakage
  • Protect from soil borne fungal and bacterial infections

With so many gloves on the market there’s a style available for every garden chore, season, weather condition, hand size and preference. Check out our selection today. 
